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Mastering Console

   99 USD/EUR

Mastering for Dolby Atmos, FINALLY!

Real mastering of Dolby Atmos ADM/BWF files, just like you know it from mastering stereo mixes for decades, is finally here! The Mastering Console is the only Dolby Atmos mastering tool with a sophisticated mastering compressor built in(*), which conveniently lets you give your Dolby Atmos mix the final touch.

Just import your ADM/BWF file, edit meta data and process it through the Master Channel. Then check and adjust the loudness to match the requirements of distributors, and export it to a new ADM/BWF file and re-renders.

The Mastering Console is fully approved and certified by Dolby Labs.

Free for owners of the Dolby Atmos Composer!

The Mastering Console is free for all users of the Dolby Atmos Composer (full version). Just download the installer of the Mastering Console and it will use the activation of the Dolby Atmos Composer already used on your system.

(* A license for gravitas MDS is required for using it in the Mastering Console.)

Real Dolby Atmos mastering.